Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets Adults

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Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of the English language. It refers to the relationship between the subject and verb in a sentence. The verb must agree with the subject in terms of number and tense. For instance, in a simple present tense sentence, the subject and verb must agree in both singular and plural forms. Therefore, it is essential for adults to practice subject-verb agreement to improve their writing and communication skills.

Subject-verb agreement worksheets are a helpful tool for adults to practice their grammar skills. The worksheets provide a variety of exercises that can be completed individually or in a group setting. The worksheets usually contain multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and sentence correction tasks. The exercises are designed to challenge learners to identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors.

The following are some examples of subject-verb agreement errors that adults can work on in their worksheets:

1. Singular subject-plural verb agreement: This error occurs when the subject is singular, but the verb is plural. For example, “The group of students are studying for their exams.” The correct sentence should be, “The group of students is studying for their exams.”

2. Plural subject-singular verb agreement: This error happens when the subject is plural, but the verb is singular. For instance, “The news on TV was very interesting today.” The correct sentence should be, “The news on TV were very interesting today.”

3. Mismatch between the verb and the subject tense: This error occurs when the verb tense does not match the subject tense. For example, “The dog barked loudly, but the cat meows quietly.” The correct sentence should be, “The dog barks loudly, but the cat meows quietly.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a vital grammar aspect that adults should practice to improve their writing and communication skills. The use of subject-verb agreement worksheets can be an effective way to help learners master this grammar concept. Working on these worksheets can also help adults identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors in their writing. Therefore, as a copy editor, it is essential to have a good understanding of subject-verb agreement and be able to guide learners in improving their grammar skills.